Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Diabetes Tips

Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus (m?li't?s), is a chronic disorder of glucose (sugar) metabolism caused by inadequate production or use of insulin, a hormone produced in specialized cells (beta cells in the islets of Langerhans) in the pancreas that allows the body to use and store glucose.

  • Dry mouth.
  • Increased thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased appetite (Type 1 only)
  • Unexplained weight loss (Type 1 only)
  • Feeling week, tired and dizzy
  • Frequent skin infections
  • Slow healing wounds
  • Recurrent vaginal infections
  • Blurry vision
  • Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet
  • Fast, shallow breathing

Insulin-dependent Diabetes

Insulin-dependent diabetes, also called juvenile-onset diabetes, is the more serious form of the disease; about 10% of diabetics have this form. It is caused by destruction of pancreatic cells that make insulin and usually develops before age 30. Type I diabetics have a genetic predisposition to the disease. There is some evidence that it is triggered by a virus that changes the pancreatic cells in a way that prompts the immune system to attack them. The symptoms are the same as in the non-insulin-dependent variant, but they develop more rapidly and with more severity. Treatment includes a diet limited in carbohydrates and saturated fat, exercise to burn glucose, and regular insulin injections, sometimes administered via a portable insulin pump. Transplantation of islet cells has also proved successful since 1999, after new transplant procedures were developed, but the number of pancreases available for extraction of the islet cells is far smaller than the number of Type I diabetics. Patients receiving a transplant must take immunosuppressive drugs to prevent rejection of the cells.

Noninsulin-dependent diabetes

Noninsulin-dependent diabetes also called adult-onset diabetes, results from the inability of the cells in the body to respond to insulin. About 90% of diabetics have this form, which is more prevalent in minorities and usually occurs after age 40. Although the cause is not completely understood, there is a genetic factor and 90% of those affected are obese. As in Type I diabetes, treatment includes exercise and weight loss and a diet low in total carbohydrates and saturated fat. Some individuals require insulin injections; many rely on oral drugs, such as sulphonylureas, metformin, or acarbose.

How to Prevent Diabetes

Pre-diabetes is a serious medical condition that can be treated. Diabetes Prevention studies conclusively showed that people with pre-diabetes can prevent the development of type 2 diabetes by making changes in their diet and increasing their level of physical activity. They may even be able to return their blood glucose levels to the normal range.
While studies also showed that some medications may delay the development of diabetes, diet and exercise worked better. Just 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity, coupled with a 5-10% reduction in body weight, produced a 58% reduction in diabetes.

  • Take insulin or medications as prescribed
  • Eat a healthy diet to keep your blood sugar in control and pay special attention to eating low-fat foods
  • Exercise regularly to help regulate your blood sugar level, reduce your risk for heart disease and control weight
  • Track the food you eat and the kind and amount of exercise you get
  • Take good care of your feet as diabetes may damage nerves and reduce the blood flow to your feet
  • Get regular eye exams. Diabetic retinopathy can cause blindness. Early detection and treatment can slow the process and save your sight
  • Have regular medical checkups. If you are diabetic or know someone who is, call a health professional if signs of low blood sugar last more than 15 minutes

Foot Health

Foot Health is usually taken for granted because of its constant use. The feet composes of the all ten toes, the heels, the ankle, and the palm of the feet. These are the basic parts of the feet as a whole unit. But how did the use of the feet become important in human history?

The feet are subjected to about a hundred or more pounds of pressure everyday just by you standing or carrying a load. Every major nerve endings are located at the bottom of the feet. That is why foot spa or massage can truly be a relaxing experience due to the nerves that gets stimulated by the right strokes and preparations. It is not practical to afford spa treatments for your feet everyday, so what pragmatic methods can you do to keep your Foot Health at top shape?
Inspect your feet everyday. Look at your feet closely when you take a bath or shower. Check if there are any superficial indications of skin problems like athlete's foot or any fungal infections and treat them immediately. Also, check for any deformities or pain felt in the area.

Do not treat your nails to fancy cuts. As much as possible, especially for women, cut your toe nails to its natural form. Do not reform the natural shape of your nails as it might cause in-grown nail that can grow painfully at wrongly cut nails.

Use the right socks. Many socks manufactured today are specialized in many ways. Some are made with anti-bacterial materials that can prevent bad odor from the feet and some have elasticity built to support the ankle and the heels. Choose different socks for different uses to protect your feet properly.

Wash and clean your feet daily. Clean and washed feet are free from foot odor problems or bacteria. The feet is almost susceptible to free bacteria on the surfaces it touches and so washing it with warm water and soap can help minimize the contamination of bacteria from your feet.

Moisturize and massage your feet once a day. A brief massage for a few minutes can help stimulate the nerve endings at the feet than can help you relax the whole day. Massaging with lotion and covering the feet with petroleum jelly at night with socks on can minimize calluses and corns.

Keeping your foot health can translate to good personal hygiene. Although the feet is usually covered from the outside, it is imperative to maintain them clean, massaged, and well-kept to maximize the use of your feet for any occasion.


Anxiety are serious issues the common run of the mill type of anxiety you feel each and every day is perfectly natural, and may be vary greatly from one person to another. Nevertheless, just because it's common doesn't mean it can't make your life miserable and cause serious health issues while reducing productivity.

Here are 6 Top Tips for beating anxiety

1. Take time out for relaxation and exercise every day, meditation and yoga are highly recommended.

2. Get to bed earlier for a good night's sleep. Write down all that is on your mind, so you can forget it for now.

3. Express your feelings, don't repress them. If you don't have someone to talk to, write in a journal.

4. Ask for help when you need it. The world will not fall apart if you ask for some assistance.

5. If you are feeling stressed, take a break from what you are doing, and do something fun for 15 minutes.

6. Very important, so I left it until last. Eat a healthy, well balanced diet. Cut down or cut out sugar and caffeine.

Running Breathing Secrets

Proper breathing is an essential part of any training program, especially when running.Here are a few tips and strategies to help get on the right path.

Beginner runner

If you are new to running, then you need to run at a pace at which you can breathe easily and effortlessly. One way to make sure of that is by passing the talk test, this means that you can run and talk at the same time without much huffing and puffing.

Breathe in through the nose

The best way to get your blood flow and muscle well oxygenated is by inhaling through the nose. Nose breathing allows more control on your breathing cadence and rhythm.

Breathe out of the mouth

Exhale fully through the mouth, this removes Carbon Dioxide from your body, releases tension and gives a
sense of relaxation and calmness throughout the workout. It allows also for deeper inhalations.

Deep breathing

Take as much deep breaths as possible. Deep breathing ensures constant oxygen delivery to the working muscles, thus enhancing your running performance.

Don't get out of breath

As we saw earlier, getting out of breath interrupts the delivery of oxygen into your working muscles, thus you have to slow down and walk to catch a breath. For that, you should make breathing a priority when running; don't get caught or it is too late.

One last word of advice is to just have fun and let nature take its course. As you practice more and more, you will find it easier to sustain your berthing rhythm, even under intense physical activity.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

fitness videos

watch and enjoy fitness videos



Endoscopy describes many procedures that look inside the body using some type of endoscope, a flexible tube with a small TV camera and a light on one end and an eyepiece on the other.

The endoscope allows doctors to examine the inside of certain tubelike structures in the body. Many endoscopes transmit the doctor's view to a video screen. Most endoscopes have attachments that permit doctors to take fluid or tissue samples for laboratory testing


There is minimal risk that the endoscope may injure or puncture some part of your body. For more specific risks related to a particular type of endoscopy, check with your doctor


The amount of preparation needed for endoscopy depends on what part of the body is being examined. For upper endoscopy, you will be instructed not to eat or drink for six to eight hours before the test. For bronchoscopy, you will need to follow restrictions on eating and drinking and take special precautions regarding your mouth and teeth. Your doctor will give you specific details. For colonoscopy, you will need to clear your bowels completely of stool before the procedure. To do this, you will modify your diet and take laxatives the day before the procedure. For sigmoidoscopy, you will need to have an enema before the test.

Before any endoscopy, remind your doctor of your medical and surgical history. Tell your doctor if you have any allergies. If you are a woman and there is any chance that you may be pregnant, tell your doctor.

It Used For

Removal of a foreign body — Endoscopy allows doctors to find and remove foreign bodies from the upper lung airways or gastrointestinal tract.

Cancer prevention — Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy allow doctors to find and remove polyps before they become colon cancers

Diagnostic evaluation of symptoms — Upper endoscopy and colonoscopy allow doctors to view organs directly and take pictures of any abnormalities that may be causing symptoms such as abdominal pain or rectal bleeding. The doctor can remove a sample of tissue (biopsy) through the endoscope during the procedure. The doctor may also obtain images of nearby organs, such as the pancreas, by an ultrasound attachment to an endoscope.

How It Is Done

In general, you will dress in a hospital gown and lie on an examination table. Your vital signs (pulse, blood pressure and respiratory rate) will be monitored throughout the procedure. The type of pain medication or sedatives you receive depends on what type of endoscopy you are having

Falls and Fractures

Falls are serious at any age, but especially for older people who are more likely to break a bone when they fall.

If you have a disease called osteoporosis, you are more likely to break a bone if you fall. Osteoporosis is called the "silent disease" because bones become weak with no symptoms. You may not know that you have it until a strain, bump, or fall causes a bone to break.

Drinking alcohol can lead to a fall because it can:
  • Slow your reflexes
  • Cause you to feel dizzy or sleepy
  • Alter your balance
  • Cause you to take risks that can lead to falls.
Some of the reasons people fall are:
  • Tripping or slipping due to loss of footing or traction
  • Slow reflexes, which make it hard to keep your balance or move out of the way of a hazard
  • Balance problems
  • Reduced muscle strength
  • Poor vision
Medicines that may increase the risk of falls are:
  • Blood pressure pills
  • Heart medicines
  • Diuretics (water pills)
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Sleeping pills


At any age, people can make changes to lower their risk of falling. Some tips to help prevent falls outdoors are

  • Wear rubber-soled shoes so you don't slip

  • Walk on grass when sidewalks are slick

  • Use a cane or walker

  • prevent falls indoors are:

  • Use plastic or carpet runners

  • Wear low-heeled shoes

  • Keep rooms free of clutter, especially on floors

  • Do not walk in socks, stockings, or slippers

  • Be sure rugs have skid-proof backs or are tacked to the floor

  • Keep a flashlight next to your bed

  • Use a sturdy stepstool with a handrail and wide steps

  • Add more lights in rooms

  • Be sure stairs are well lit and have rails on both sides

  • Prevent Broken Bones

    Sometimes you cannot prevent a fall. If you do fall, you can try to prevent breaking a bone. Try to fall forwards or backwards (on your buttocks), because if you fall to the side you may break your hip. You can also use your hands or grab things around you to break a fall. Some people wear extra clothes to pad their hips or use special hip pads

    Monday, November 1, 2010

    Herpes Simplex 1

    Herpes simplex 1 is caused by the virus HSV 1. People often confuse oral herpes with genital herpes. The symptoms are almost similar in both the cases; the only difference is that in oral herpes the sores and blisters can be found in and around the mouth, whereas in genital herpes they are found in the genitals.This infection basically causes sores and blisters to occur on the face, and has no permanent cure. But treatment options are available to make the infection less painful. After a person is infected with oral herpes there are three stages, by which it advances. It is very important to know the important of this infection, as it is highly contagious. Over the last few years, millions of people have been diagnosed with herpes simplex 1, and many children get this virus as well, as it can be easily transmitted.

    The three stages are -

    The primary or initial stage -
    This is where the blisters or sores are first detected. Some of these small sores may appear individually or as a cluster. They are full of fluid and can be seen around the mouth. Usually the first attack is severe and can be very painful. Sometimes, within a few days the small blister or group of blisters may become bigger and open up, after which it automatically heals. It is at this stage that an itching and tingling sensation is felt on the sores.

    The latency stage -
    In the next stage, the virus will progress to a mass of nerve tissue in the spine. Here the virus lies inactive, until triggered to break out.

    The recurrence stage -
    It is important to know that the virus is most contagious when there is a break out. The blisters on the face usually break open, releasing the fluid inside of them. This fluid is filled with the virus, which can spread easily. It is also important to know that genital herpes can be transmitted via oral herpes, and vice-versa. Hence, it is even more important to be on the safe side. But, even when the virus is inactive it can be transferred from one individual to another. Recurrence occurs when there are certain changes, such as severe heat, illness and stress - either emotional or physical. At this stage the inactive virus becomes active again, and brings out more sores and blisters.

    the symptoms of this disease.
    1. Blisters and cold sores in and around the mouth.
    2. Fever
    3. Fatigue
    4. Blisters that break out and ooze
    5. Itching

    Some of the methods to prevent oral herpes are -

    As oral herpes is transmitted through saliva, it is essential to avoid using the same cups, spoons and make up, as this may lead to an infection

    Using protection during intercourse is a must.

     It is important to always wash the hands thoroughly before and after touching the sores.

    Wearing sunscreen on your face, and especially the lips is also very important to stop a break-out from recurring.

    avoiding contact with others as far as possible, especially when the individual has an outbreak is one of the best ways to prevent oral herpes.

    Start Exercising Today!

    We always find excuses for things we don't want to do, ignoring it until it becomes our worst nightmare. Same goes for exercising - putting it off until it wears you down and then realizing how you could have avoided a disaster. As they say, prevention is better than cure so why not start today and prevent your body to get out of your control. Logically, if you need reasons to convince yourself, the best five are listed below -

    Weight Check
    First of all, you need to balance your weight in order to live a happy and content life. It is easy - you eat, you gain calories; you exercise, you burn those calories. Thus, engaging in physical activity would help you in maintaining a healthy body weight and keep your body strong. For those who are already obese, the more physical activity you engage in, the more satisfying would be the result. After you lose those extra pounds, you would be fit and fine to perform all the tasks as good as others may be even better. A strong body is what you need to keep your mind rejuvenating and heart strong.

    Heart Matters Secondly, exercising makes your heart strong. Obviously, we have all heard it before but it doesn't make it any less factual. If you devote half an hour to walking or cycling or aerobics, you would do your heart a favor by reducing the bad cholesterol, risk of diabetes and eliminating the risk of heart failures. As the reports suggest, inactive lifestyle is one of the major reasons for heart problems, you can keep your heart strong by some cardiovascular exercises everyday. Although majority of conditions occur at an old age, starting out young would preserve your heart when you're old.

    Euphoria Thirdly, it makes you happy. It has been proved that physical activity improves your mood, reduces stress and helps in preventing clinical depression. When you work out, your body releases a hormone that increases your energy level and procures a better mood. After working out for sometime, you would feel good about yourself, get relaxed and ultimately it would boost up your confidence. Moreover, it perks up your self-esteem and boosts up your energy.

    Sex It Up
    Fourthly, physically fit people have a better sex life. Researchers say that fit people enjoy a better sex life than those who are not. Fit people are more attractive because of their confidence level and hence they experience a better love life. Also, exercise improves circulation that would most likely reduce the risk of getting an erectile dysfunction in men. For women, regular exercises can enhance arousal ultimately making a positive effect on your sex life.

    Dream On
    Lastly, working out would help you get better sleep. A good 8 hours of sleep makes you feel well-rested and increases your concentration level. Good exercise is the key to fall asleep faster and it also deepens your sleep. Though, you should not work out just before you are about to hit the bed as you would be too keyed up to fall asleep.

    Chronic Tinnitus

    Chronic tinnitus is a condition that is symptomized by an irritating buzzing racket in the ears. While there are many prescribed medicines available for treating the condition, not all of them seem to be effective, not at least in the long run. Fortunately, there are several chronic tinnitus natural cures which can help you get rid of the problem.

    Here is a list of natural cures that can help you to get quick relief from the irritating noise in your ears:

    There are certain types of foods that you need to avoid at all costs if you seek a cure from chronic tinnitus. Processed foods should be avoided, as should dairy products and foods containing concentrated fats also need to be avoided, since they are believed to exacerbate the condition. Avoiding refined sugar is also advised since it helps in stimulating the body's natural therapeutic process.

    It is important that you devise an exercise plan suiting your requirements and stick to it. Exercise might include a relaxing jog, early morning swim, or a brisk walk.

    Vitamin supplements can help you in treating the ailment

     Chronic tinnitus can be encouraged by a variety of things, such as exposure to very loud music or loud sounds at work, such as drillng or digging machines. An obvious prevention treatment would inlcude wearing ear plugs in very noisy working condtions. The key point to remember here, is to avoid placing yourself in such situations.

    Natural herbs are known to be very efficient in treating the condition. Many of these natural products are eaten by hundreds of thousands of people world-wide. They include pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds.

    Blood pressure is also a major concern in instances of chronic tinnitus. Blood pressure can be controlled through the abstention of alcohol and smoking, which in themselves can play In order to maintain the correct blood pressure it is important that you abstain from smoking, as well as completely avoid or limit your intake of alcohol too.

    Wrist Sprain

    A sprain in the wrist is an injury to its ligaments, the tough bands of fibrous tissue that connect bones to one another inside a joint

    There are three levels of sprain:

    Mild (Grade I)

    The wrist's ligaments are stretched or have microscopic tears.

    Moderate (Grade II) 

    The damage is more severe, and some wrist ligaments may be partially torn.

    Severe sprains (Grade III)

    One or more wrist ligaments are entirely torn or torn away from where they normally attach to bones.

    Sprains of the wrist are fairly rare in everyday life and in the workplace. Under certain weather conditions, such as during ice storms or after a snowfall, a wrist sprain is commonly caused by a fall in which a person lands on outstretched arm.

    In a mild wrist sprain, your wrist may be slightly swollen and tender, and you probably will feel some mild pain when you move it.

    In more severe sprains, swelling can change the shape of your wrist, and you may have some bruising (a black-and-blue skin discoloration). Also, you'll probably feel significant pain when you try to move your wrist, or when your health care professional moves your wrist while examining it.


    Rest the joint

    Ice the injured area to reduce swelling

    Compress the swelling with an elastic bandage

    Elevate the injured area.

    For moderate wrist sprains, especially in professional or competitive athletes, the wrist may be immobilized in a splint or light cast for seven to 10 days. If you have a significant wrist injury, you will need physical therapy as soon as symptoms allow. Athletes usually can return to competition once symptoms subside, although it may be advisable to protect the injured wrist with a support splint. When a severe wrist sprain causes significant instability in the wrist, surgery may be required.


    To prevent sports-related wrist sprains, wear protective equipment that supports the wrist. In particular, snowboarders and inline skaters should protect their wrists by using wrist guards or snug-fitting plastic wrist splints. Platform divers may wear protective tape, wrist splints or wraps that limit extension of the wrist.

    To prevent wrist sprains related to falls, you can stay indoors when it's icy or wet outside. If you must go out, wear shoes with soles that provide traction during slippery conditions and pay careful attention to the surface where you are walking.

    To prevent wrist sprains related to skiing, choose ski poles that have a low-profile grip with finger grooves. Also, grip ski poles without using straps and drop poles during a fall.